Once You See It...Freedom Me!

 5 months of tested & trusted one on One Guidance from someone who was once exactly where you are now.

Clear the confusion, make your decision, and move forward with confidence

You may feel you're ready, yet find it hard to know where to begin.

As a leader, educator, & specialist on toxic relationships, Dr Heidi has supported
thousands of people in clearing the confusion around the unhealthy relationships in their lives.
Dr Heidi's method of guidance offers a different perspective than most, as she too once found herself trapped within a unhealthy & confusing relationship.

"It is not until you see the full picture surrounding your situation that
you will be able to make any decision about the relationship
with confidence, but once you do see it, the decision will make itself" 
                                                                                -Dr Heidi

Education is the key to understanding why making a change has been so difficult.

This program was designed to help you move from the tortuous feeling of “I don’t know how” to knowing the exact steps you need to take in order to get you there...
wherever “there” is for you. 

No one leaves a Toxic Relationship until they are ready.

(Even if Others in Your Life are Telling You to do so...)

This is an "exclusive" program, meaning Dr Heidi does not accept all who apply. Your journey has been long, there have been many ups & downs, and your story is unique, therefore a paid application session is required to be considered for the program. From that session, Dr Heidi will make recommendations for your situation specifically, but only accepts into the program those who are dedicated to learning & who she feels she can truly help. Talking about your situation may be difficult, it may be emotional, & it may be painful, but her having been there herself, will bring comfort & hope to you as you step forward... together. As an exclusive Freedom...Me! client you will undoubtedly find a true friend in Dr Heidi. It is her mission to be for you the person she needed when she was going through it. Having someone to lean on brings the courage to step over the fears that have for so long held you back. She will not push you, rather she will lead, inspire, & encourage. She knows that you will not make a change until you are ready and she will be right there with you when you are.

The Freedom...Me! program is exclusive for those dedicated to seeking clarity,
gaining understanding, stepping over fear,
& making changes. . 

I want to hear your story (I bet you don't hear that very often) & the reasons you are seeking my guidance.

We will uncover exactly why this relationship is so difficult.

Then we start to find YOU (Yes, YOU are still in there).

I will teach how to see the information you have been researching from an entirely different perspective. It will make understanding much simpler and decisions clearer.

How did you get here? Why are you in this type of relationship?

Why can't they just act "normal"? (how many times have you said that in your head?)

Why is it so hard to leave?

You will gain a new set of skills set you will use to evaluate your present, other, & future relationships. 

Learn to change the way you interact with others without feeling powerless or controlled.

Regain your identity & discover the person you are truly meant to be.

It's like having a secret guide in your back pocket!

i'm ready book my application session!

they have criticised you and pointed out so many things wrong with you that You have convinced yourself you should be trying harder 

there is always something that just doesn't fit so you go back to thinking...it must be you

You are uneasy about how they will react if you say something so you continue to accept it and keep doing what you have been doing 

I know you have been reading & researching, for validation that what you are experiencing is not normal...but

Now it's your turn…!!!

I was able to break free and reclaim my life, but it wasn't until I was able to look at it through a different lens, that I understood my situation for what it really was. 
Now I am living in peace, with confidence in myself, I am happy, and free from the control of others. 

Over the past 9 years I have been educating others to look through that same lens. With guidance, understanding, and clarity, their questions have been answered, decisions have been made and confidence has been restored. One step at a time they too have found happiness, free from the control of others. 

I can relate, I've been there...

I'm Dr. Heidi— I have been in the same place, with the same questions, the same struggles and the same fear of change. 

(Application session is required for consideration of acceptance)

"Working Dr. Heidi has been life changing.  Not only did I learn about the traits of a toxic person, but I learned how to take charge of my on life...this is just what I needed....thank you, Dr. Heidi!" — Lisa M.

"She helped me heal so I could move on... for good!"

You are coming from a place where you feel you have no power. 

Years of life, work, family, and distractions lead you to forget about self-care, self-worth, and self-love.

In taking on the needs and demands of others, you lost who you were, to become what they needed. 

You compromised yourself, your dreams and your wants in order to keep them happy.

Your struggles become more intense, the more sacrificing you did of yourself. 

Logically you probably already know that this relationship is not healthy for you but when emotions get involved, it clouds your logic.

Learn how to see the situation from a different perspective, step out of it for a second and things will become very clear very quickly. 

Education is the key to your freedom, understanding is the key to your empowerment.


When you can see it from a different perspective your ideas about the relationship begin to shift. You will see how and why you have suffered and the parts of yourself you have given up. 

Toxic relationships steal our identity. 

We cannot always control what life throws at us, but we all know NOW that we can control how it affects us. 

If you have lost yourself, you will find yourself. 
If you have to co-parent, you will learn to do so without anxiousness.

If you need to interact with others, you will learn how without allowing the toxic traits of others to affect you. 

If you need to completely cut contact, you will find that you have permission to do so. 

If you need to rebuild yourself, you will learn how to allow yourself the grace to do so. 

Understanding how emotional abuse works gives you the advantage to keep your mind logical. 


You will realize that you have way more control over yourself than you think you do.

Learn how to accept toxic people for who they are and move on in-spite of it. 



“Dr. Heidi puts together amazing programs…I would pay 3 times the fee to attend again.  My life is forever changed, thank you Dr. Heidi” Past Client
— Marie S.

"My Life Is Forever Changed!"

"I can not express how much this podcast has changed my life. She has given me the strength to see for the first time in my life the truth and it has been awakening. This is a must for anyone dealing with a toxic relationship of any degree. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

☆☆☆☆☆" — Jenn H.

"It's been an awakening!"

"Dr Heidi’s words were a lifesaver, helping me to sort out my abusive relationship and recognize that it truly was toxic. I recommend this podcast to everyone I talk to who is questioning whether or not their relationship is healthy."

☆☆☆☆☆ Melissa C.

"Recommend to anyone questioning if a relationship is healthy"

…finding your freedom and 
…living in a place of peace.

Picture yourself...Like me

Seeing every situation through their eyes is the easiest way for you to understand why they do & say what they do & say.

Through this program, I will teach how to think as they do. I dare say I understand most toxic personalities better than they understand themselves. 

Did you know they take your personal power away, cross your boundaries, and invalidate your feelings for a reason?

 find your power, understand it, and to use it.

What Will You Get From 
The Freedom... Me! Program...

Schedule your Application session

If Accepted, your Investment is...


Get Started

(* 3 Monthly Payments of $1849)

+Access to the entire Freedom Me Program which includes:

  • 57 Modules Educating, Empowering and Supporting you through your journey. 

+Freedom...Me! is a 5 month program with one on one calls every week to ten days. These sessions with Dr. Heidi are the foundation of our work together. Many coaches and mentors have you do much of the work on your own through an online program. Not this girl. The intensity & importance of the information is far better understood in actual video or audio call. Lots of education happens here along with exercises to begin getting your mind and attention back on yourself. This is where the magic happens! With each session you will gain more clarity, ask more focused questions and receive actual tools you are encouraged to start using right away.. 

+Direct texting/email access between sessions if there is an emergency, or if a question arises.

+5 month Complimentary subscription to the We're INNIT Together Support & Growth Community. 

perks for being exclusive

This program will indeed change your life and how you see, live, & decide your future.

Many times those around you do not fully understand what you are going through.
 I get it, I understand, I am patient, nothing you do or don't do will disappoint me, you never HAVE to do what I recommend, and I do not get mad if you don't. 

Knowing you have support will be a huge empowerment for you as you step
 closer and closer to your freedom.

 Once you see it...
You can not unsee it!

with the freedom...me! Program you will see it

Schedule With Dr. Heidi Now

Not Sure What Option Is Best For You?

Book A Session Now With Dr. Heidi To Review Together Your Unique Situation & To Discuss What Options May Be Best For You

Join the We're INNIT together support & Growth Community now

 Find incredible growth & group support by joining the We're INNIT Together Growth & Support Community.

Dr Heidi leads a session in the group weekly. It is a great place to ask the questions you have as well as meet others who will quickly become your support system. 

Not quite ready for exclusive program, but still want support?

Your current situation is not where your story ends, it is but a chapter in the book of your life.

Everything happens just like it is supposed to and you are in this very place at this very time for a reason.

It is time to see where this whole thing was intended to lead you.

How the future chapters will read is completely up to you!

Get Started Here!

take the first step. (it's easy!)

Apply for
Freedom...Me! here